How the tsar in the Egyptian state was called?

1 . How the tsar in the Egyptian state was called? (Pharaoh)
2  .  How the dwelling of gods is called?  (temple)
3 . In what month the Great Patriotic War began? (Игры для девочек!)
4 . What animals were considered sacred in Ancient Egypt? (a bull, a crocodile, a ram, a cat, birds – an ibis and a kite, a bug-skarobey)
5 . How the bag with arrows in at the ancient soldier was called? (quiver)
6 . To Nazav_tsa самы старажытны city of Belarus_. (Polotsk – упершыню ¸pam_nayetsets ў летапісе ў 862 годзе)
7 . Yaky belarusky князёўна пражыла сва ў жыццё stalemate трыма імёнам і? (Ragneda-Garyslava-Anastas_ya)
8 . How the piece in 100 years is called? (century)
9  .  Call the longest wall constructed BC for protection against enemies?  (Great Wall)
10 . At старажытныя hours праз тэрыторыю Belarus_ праходз і ў вялікі гандлёвы a highway – з варага ў ў грэкі. Dze ён пачынаўся і дзе заканчваўся? (Baltyyskaye of a pestilence – Chornaye of a pestilence)

Task 1. It is necessary to emphasize the correct termination of a proverb.
1 . Perhaps yes somehow ….
a) … and so we would will live) … to good won't bring in) … the matter becomes
2 . Volkov to be afraid …
a) … to be stocked by a gun). to remain the coward in) … not to go to the wood
3 . That in water fell, …
a) … fish would get) … was gone in) … .ко to a bottom stuck
4 . How many a wolf don't feed, he …
a) … all the same a dog wouldn't become) … all the same won't gorge on in) … all the same in the wood looks

    Task 2. To find an equivalent among the Russian proverbs and sayings.
1 . The scorpion of the habits doesn't change (Uzbek). Can the leopard change his spots
2 . There was a case till tomorrow – consider that got stuck (Armenian). (I made case – walk safely)
3 . After every evening morning (Turkish) follows. (Tomorrow is a new day)
4 . You won't give a hand – and from the shelf you won't get a spoon (Latvian). (Without effort you won't take out a small fish from a pond)
5 . Many hands will raise also a heavy burden (Lithuanian). Two heads are better than one